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Tuesday 31 May 2011

How to increase your vertical jump!

Almost all athletes are looking for ways to learn how to increase vertical jump. Having a big vertical jump gives you a significant advantage as an athlete in a lot of sports like basketball, however many are unsure or poorly advised as to how to increase their vertical jump. If you’ve been searching for ways how to increase vertical jump then these five tips may help you get the extra few inches you’ve been after.

The best athletes train smart AND train hard, and if you want to learn how to increase vertical jump then you will have to as well. Arm yourself with the right knowledge, set yourself a goal and work towards every day and you will succeed.

Build yourself a training regime and stick to it

There’s lots of good advice about how to increase vertical jump so make sure you read around and take note. There are various jump training programs that you can follow which will also help structuring a routine for you. Make sure that whatever routine you do end up with, you stick with.

Eat well – rest well

If you’re already an athlete then I don’t need to say much about this, but for those who don’t know, your diet and rest are two of the most important factors in developing an athletic body and learning how to increase vertical jump. Make sure you’re getting the right nutrition and enough rest to recover from your training regime.

Build muscle

If you want to jump higher than you’re going to need to build strength and size in your leg muscles. Again, there are loads of weight lifting techniques that you can use for this but squats, lunges and calf raises have worked well for a lot of athletes. You want to be doing high weights, low reps as it will help you in building fast-twitch muscle fibres.

Dynamic stretching

An athlete’s flexibility must be high if they want to learn how to increase vertical jump. Dynamic stretching is more efficient than static stretching for people who are looking to increase their vertical leap. Try and do this everyday and you’ll find your muscles looser and more flexible.

Do Pylometric Exercises

Pylometric exercises like these two exercises below are used to build fast, powerful muscle movements which are exactly the kind we want for being able to jump higher. There are dozens of techniques that you can use so have a look around or buy a jump training program which will give you all the advice you need.
The combination of these five tips will definitely increase your vertical jump. If you want to learn how to increase vertical jump then give yourself the best chance and get professional advice from specially designed programs. 
                                               how to increase vertical jump

Monday 16 May 2011

Basketball Jokes

Q: Why do basketball players love cookies? 
A: Because they can dunk them! 

Q: Why did the chicken cross the basketball court?
A: It heard the referee was blowing fouls.

Q: What do basketball players and babies have in common?
A: They both dribble. 

Q: What's the difference between a basketball player and a dog?
A: One drools, the other dribbles.

Q: Why was Cinderella thrown off the team?
A: She ran away from the ball.

Q: What do you do when you see an elephant with a basketball?
A: You get out of the way fast. 

Q: Why did the coach let the elephant play basketball?
A: He already broke the bench.

Q: How did the basketball court get wet?
A: The players dribbled all over it.

Q: Why did the basketball player go to jail?
A: Because he shot the ball!

Q: Why is basketball the grossest sport there is?
A: Because they dribble all over the court.

Q: Why was Cinderella such a bad player?
A: Her coach was a pumpkin.

Thursday 5 May 2011

Some Of The Best Basketball Players Ever

Michael Jordan

In all, Jordan won six NBA Championships, six Finals MVPs, five NBA MVPs, and three All Star game MVPs. He was even selected to nine first team All-Defensive teams. Had Jordan not retired for two years the first time around, his career accomplishments would have been even more ludicrous. He almost surely would have won two more NBA Championships as well as two additional MVP awards. Luckily for the Houston Rockets, that never happened. Even with multiple retirements, Jordan is easily the best player in NBA history.

Kobe Bryant

Where Kobe winds up on this list remains to be seen. He could end up in the top five or stay right where he is at. It all depends on whether he can bring the Lakers back to Championship-glory without Shaq. As it stands now, Bryant's career has been spectacular. Although, there is no question that his career was greatly enhanced by Shaq's presence. Together they won three-straight NBA Championships. Kobe finally has an MVP under his belt which will help his profile. He needs to start piling up the individual hardware if he is going to make a move into the top ten. A few Finals MVPs wouldn't hurt. Jordan has six. Kobe has zero.

LeBorn James

LeBron James is the closest thing to Magic Johnson that the league has seen since Magic retired. I think LeBron will end up being better than Magic. In fact, I think LeBron has the potential to end up being the best player the league has ever seen. He is physically dominant at the ripe age of 23. At 6’9, LeBron can do everything Magic could do and more. He is bigger and stronger than Magic already.